About us

We are here to help with your dental health and well-being

Emergency or a simple Consultation we are here for you

Our clinic offers a warm and welcoming environment, designed to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during your appointment or treatment. From the decoration to each of our team, it will help you have a pleasant and satisfactory experience on each visit.

Whether it is an emergency or a simple consultation, we are here for you. You can come to our clinic with complete freedom and peace of mind, knowing that you will receive the necessary care with care and promptness.


Founder & Head of Clinic

Dr. Marenco, D.D.S. is a practicing Dentist and Orthodontist practicing  in Miami-Date and Broward Counties.

His patient-centered approach and dedication to excellence make him a great professional, who stays up to date with the latest advances in dentistry and orthodontics to provide the best possible care to his patients.

The well-being of our patients motivates us every day to provide a better service

Dr. Marenco.


We offer inclusive care to people of all ages, conditions and dental needs


Ethical, safe and quality dental care, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of our patients


Each patient is treated with dignity and consideration, guaranteeing quality care


We work together with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans

To be the right place for families looking for comprehensive, high-quality dental care. Offering a welcoming and friendly environment where our patients feel comfortable and valued.
Provide personalized, evidence-based treatments, using cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal, long-lasting results

The best staff to you

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

What patients say
Faucibus nulla tincidunt sagittis faucibus proin habitasse nunc erat sed nisi non pulvinar at ante diam nulla tincidunt lectus maecenas penatibus nam suspendisse cursus risus, ac nibh suspendisse
Ramona Altenwerth

More than a Dentist's Clinic

Your health and dental aesthetics are in the best place.